Music at Covenant

SINGING and RINGING: Musical Opportunities for ALL! We are excited to re-start our music ensembles in 2023, including Chancel Choir, Beckwith Handbell Choir, and Youth Singers. Choir and Handbell meet each week on Thursday evenings (handbells, 6:30pm; choir, 7:30pm), and we have plenty of bells and music to go around! Join us now or contact any member of the music staff for more information: Matthew Garrett, Michael Peters, or Jonathan Moyer:
Covenant Chancel Choir
The Covenant Chancel Choir features both professional and volunteer vocalists who sing at weekly worship services, special events, and concerts throughout the year. The choir sings repertoire from a variety of historical, stylistic, and cultural traditions.
Volunteer singers: The Chancel Choir is open to volunteers of all voice types (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). Singers should possess basic music reading and listening skills. If you are interested in singing with us, contact our music director for more information.
Professional Vocalists: Section Leader/Soloist positions may be available for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass vocalists. Interested vocalists should have strong sight singing skills, excellent intonation, good leadership skills, and willingness to informally coach/advise volunteer section members. Stipends are commensurate with experience. Contact our music director for more information and to schedule an audition/interview.
Beckwith University Handbell Choir
The Church of the Covenant has maintained a long tradition of handbell choirs for over 50 years through the distinct sound of its British-made 5 octave White Chapel Handbells. The Beckwith University Handbell Choir is comprised of college students and adults who rehearse on Thursday evenings and perform regularly throughout the music season. Children and youth also have opportunities to play handbells or tonebars in our worship services.
Prospective members should contact the music director about joining the ensemble. Prior experience in handbell ringing is not required except for a basic level of music reading ability.
McGaffin Carillon
Photo credit: Nancy Hribar Matz