Who We Are
We invite you to experience God through the life of the Covenant community
Photo: Drone Ohio
The Church of the Covenant is a Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation in the vibrant cultural center of University Circle in Cleveland, Ohio. We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial, and intergenerational community seeking to know Jesus and make him known through meaningful worship, inspiring music, compassionate outreach, and in-depth theological study that leads us to engage our community and our world that God so loves.
Convinced of God’s grace, the Church of the Covenant seeks to: Be a welcoming spiritual home, Live God’s inclusive love, Express Christ’s compassion, Do justice in the world. We are seeking to know Jesus and make him known through meaningful worship, inspiring music, compassionate outreach, and in-depth theological study that leads us to engage our community and our world that God so loves.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and members of the Presbytery of the Western Reserve, connected to the Synod of the Covenant and the General Assembly.
As a Matthew 25 church, we act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, or poor. We are a committed faith partner of the Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity. Also a congregation of More Light Presbyterians, we recognize and accept members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
The Church of the Covenant is certified as a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation. Started in 2010 by the PC(USA), the goal of this program is to inspire churches to care for God’s earth in a holistic way, through integrating earth care into all aspects of their church life. The Earth Care Congregation certification honors churches that make that commitment and encourages others to follow their example. Learn more!
Covenant is both a destination church and a neighborhood church, with students, residents, visitors, and members who walk to church as well as those who drive from the suburbs and beyond. We maintain an inspiring Gothic building in the heart of University Circle – a dynamic urban center of world-class education, health care, music, art, and history. From this place, we are seeking to love and support our neighbors, encounter God through study, prayer, and worship, encourage questioning, and nurture all God’s people.
We invite you to experience God through the life of the Covenant community. Join us in person or via livestream on Sunday mornings for worship at 10 am, take respite in the beauty of our sanctuary throughout the week from 9 am until 5 pm, come nap or study in the Connection Center for students, or take advantage of our many programs.
At Church of the Covenant, we welcome all people to make a commitment to this family of faith through membership. What are the benefits? In our democratic form of church governance, members have a voice in decisions that are made by the congregation and can serve in leadership roles. But more importantly, membership is a way of making a commitment to the people in this particular time and place who have chosen to travel together on this journey of faith, serving God together and sharing both joy and sorrow.
We hold new member classes several times a year, and encourage those interested in exploring membership to speak with our Pastor, Rev. Jessie MacMillan.
“It seems to me that in joining a church you leave home and home town to join a larger world. The whole world is your new neighborhood and all who dwell therein – black, white, yellow, red, stuffed and starving, smart and stupid, mighty and lowly, criminal and self-respecting, American or Russian – all become your sisters and brothers in the new family formed in Jesus. By joining a church you declare your individuality in the most radical way in order to affirm community on the widest possible scale.”
— Credo, William Sloane Coffin, p. 143